What to Plant in the Month of September in Central Texas

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In Austin, September is a month of transition in the garden and a second chance at another warm season of planting.  The summer heat will eventually subside moving towards the end of the month relieving your plants of stress from the heat and pests. Personally, Fall is one of my favorite gardening seasons because you can overlap those summer veggies with the greens of winter.

Start the month by cleaning out summer debris and amending your soil with compost and other essential nutrients.  September is also a wonderful time to add additional gardening spaces to expand your production for next year.  

watering seedling indoors

Watering Kale Seedling with Liquid Worm Castings Before Hardening Off for Outdoor Garden

Fall Planting: How Late is Too Late?

Fall is one of the best times to plant perennials, shrubs, trees and vines but what about vegetables?   Surprisingly, even with a short, final warm season you can successfully grow a productive Fall garden in Austin, Texas with a little preparation- think of it as a mini-spring season.

Because the weather is changing from hot to cool(ish) in September, you want to plant some things at the beginning of the month and others towards the end of the month to transition into your Winter garden.


What to Grow in September in Austin, Texas

Vegetable seeds to sow or transplant

(DS) Direct sow
(T) Transplant
(DS/T)  Direct sow OR Transplant


Beans - Pole, Snap, Lima (DS), Cucumbers (DS), Potatoes (DS), Summer Squash (DS)


Artichokes (T), Asian Greens (DS/T),  Beets (DS), Broccoli (T), Brussel Sprouts (T), Cabbage (DS/T), Carrots (DS), Cauliflower (T), Collards (DS/T), Kale (DS/T), Kohlrabi (DS/T), Mustard (DS/T), Bunching Onions (DS), Peas (DS), Radish (DS), Swiss Chard (DS/T), Turnips (DS)


Cool season greens (DS), Lettuce (DS/T), Leeks (DS), Garlic (T),  Shallots (T), Spinach (DS/T)

Peas being planted for Fall

Fall Companion Herbs and Flowers

Nasturtiums, Marigolds, Aster, Lupine, Echinacea, Nigella, Dianthus 

Chives, Parsley, Dill, Fennel (plant in separate container)

Freshly harvested dill from the Fall Garden

Resources for GArdening in September

Fall gardening tips

  • Monitor and regulate water for Fall

  • If you started your own seedlings, continue to care for them 

  • Start gathering supplies for winter such as thermal row covers or cover crops

  • Place your orders for garlic and/or short day variety onions if planting in Oct-Dec

  • Continue to harvest and clean up debris

  • Add a 3” layer of compost to the top of your beds

The Seed Sage is still scheduling for Fall and Winter Garden installations.  Living in Central, Texas gives us year round growing seasons.  It’s not too late to start your own edible garden!

If you still need help planning your garden this year, learn more through The Seed Sage’s Services. Order a custom garden design or plant plan to get a head start on the Fall Season. Follow us on instagram for the latest seasonal tips and tricks to keep your garden healthy!

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