October Gardening in Central Texas: Prepping for Winter and Planting for Spring

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close up picture of Tom Thumb peas growing in a Central Texas garden

Tom Thumb Peas are some of my favorite peas to grow in my Fall and Winter Austin Urban Garden

In Central Texas, October is more than just the bridge between summer and winter; it's a dynamic month filled with gardening activities that set the tone for the seasons ahead. From sowing vegetable seeds to introducing vibrant flowers, and even making long-term planting decisions, October keeps us on our toes. But before we getting into the details I have included a few garden reminders for Zone 8b (keep reading).



The prime salad season in Central Texas spans from October to March. Start now by sowing or transplanting your favorite salad greens. With the cooler weather setting in, they'll thrive, promising fresh, crisp harvests throughout these months.


This is the prime time to get these in the ground. They'll establish their roots in the fall, promising a fruitful yield in the months to come.

  • Strawberries: Growing strawberries in Austin is a delightful endeavor when you choose the right variety and cater to the plant's preferences. Opt for short-day, spring-bearing types like Chandler or Sequoia, planting them between mid-September and early November in well-drained soil that gets a minimum of six hours of sunlight. While traditional strawberry planting methods tie up the garden 

  • Rhubarb: Ever thought of growing rhubarb in Central Texas? It might seem a bit out-of-the-box, but with the right approach, it's completely doable. Start off by planting 'Victoria' seeds indoors around the end of summer. Once those seedlings look sturdy, usually by late September or early October, transition them outdoors. While our Texas rhubarb might lean towards a green hue rather than the deep red you might see up north, the flavor's all there. Best part? Our rhubarb season syncs up with strawberries, so you've got the perfect combo for a delightful strawberry-rhubarb pie come spring. Happy planting! 🌱🍓

  • Garlic:  In Texas, garlic is a resilient crop that flourishes throughout the winter months. While mid-October is the optimal time to plant, you still have a window until early December to get your garlic in the ground. However, for the best results, I'd recommend sticking to the mid-October timeframe. Consider planting varieties such as Creole, Lorz Italian, or the Turban types.


Think ahead! This is the month to start planning and ordering seeds for the upcoming cool, warm, and hot seasons. Proper planning now will ensure a seamless gardening journey throughout the year.

With these tips, you'll be picking the right seeds for your fall garden like a pro. Go ahead, get those seeds in the ground and watch your fall garden come to life! Our 12 Month Central Texas Growing Guide lists all my favorite varieties, with clickable links, for our unique climate here in Central TX. You can find more seed references listed here.


Keep an eye on those salad greens and harvest them as they mature. Also, to ensure a consistent supply, consider direct sowing salad greens every few weeks.



For those garden beds that you intend to leave dormant over the winter, now's the time to think about cover crops. They'll protect your soil, prevent erosion, and enrich it for the next planting season. 

  • Fava Beans: A Garden's Win-Win Cover Crop: Utilizing fava beans as a cover crop is a genuine win-win for gardeners. These beans not only rejuvenate the soil by fixing nitrogen, suppressing weeds, and enhancing aeration but also provide nutrient-rich, delicious beans and greens for the table. As an added bonus, their flowers are a bee's delight, promoting a lively pollinator presence in your garden. Embracing fava beans means both a thriving garden ecosystem and tasty harvests.


If you planted sweet potatoes back in May, circle your calendar! October is typically the harvest month for these delicious tubers. It's always a joy to unearth these golden treasures.

October can be a busy and productive month in your ATX garden. From sowing to harvesting and planning ahead (my favorite part!), it's all about staying connected with the rhythms of the earth. And as I wrap up another gardening month, I'm reminded of the endless cycles of growth, harvest, and renewal that make gardening such a profound journey. Make the most of this October!

The Seed Sage harvesting sweet potatoes


Long-Growth Vegetables: Vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower require a significant growth period. Starting them as plants, rather than seeds, can yield better results this month.

Direct Sow Vegetables: Here's a list ideal for October planting:

  •   Root and Leafy: Artichokes, Beets, Carrots, Collards, Fava Beans, Garlic, Kale,Kohlrabi, Leeks, Lettuce, Mustard, Onion, Radishes, Spinach, Swiss Chard, Turnip.

  •   Podded: Peas.

  •   Cruciferous: Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower.

  •   Asian Greens: A delightful addition for those crisp fall salads.

Blue Scotch Curly Leaf Kale is so easy to grow! Add to your soups and salads this Fall.


Planting Long-Term: October in Central Texas is an opportune time to plant new trees and shrubs. They get a chance to establish their roots in the fall, gearing up for robust growth in the spring.

Perennials & Grasses: Your local nurseries should be stocking up on a variety of perennials and grasses. I always recommend planting these before the frost hits to give them a good start.

Sowing Wildflower Seeds: Nothing says Texas like a meadow full of wildflowers. Sowing them now ensures they burst into life come spring.

Spring Blooming Bulbs: It might seem early, but planting bulbs like tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths now will reward you with their vibrant blooms when spring rolls around.

grab your quick start seed guide

fennel growing in central texas

Make sure to plant fennel in a container on its own! It can inhibit the growth of other plants.


  • Herbs: Borage, Chamomile, Chives, Cilantro, Dill, Fennel, and Parsley.

  • Flowers: Calendula, Dianthus, Pansy, and Viola. They bring color and can attract beneficial insects.


  • Soil Prep: Compost is my go-to. It ensures a nutrient-rich base for the new plants.

  • Watering: October’s weather can be varied. Adjust your watering routine based on soil moisture.

  • Pest Inspection: Regular checks can help identify and address any pest issues early on.

October in Central Texas is bustling with gardening activities. As I sow seeds, plant bulbs, and prepare for the frost, I'm filled with anticipation for the vibrant months ahead. If you're gardening in this region, I'd love to hear how you're shaping your garden this October. Let's share, learn, and grow together!

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